I do this research as an independent scientist, incorporated in Alaska as Wildlife Science Inc.  This kind of research is expensive, due to the high cost of using small airplanes to track wolves and conduct related observations across large, remote areas.  Funding is provided by Friends of Animals, a 200,000-member international advocacy organization whose capable president has a strong personal interest in wolves and a long history of working on Alaska wolf and other wildlife issues. The support that FoA provides enables me to focus exclusively on scientific and related conservation objectives; see Behavior and Conservation of Wolves in Alaska: research objectives.pdf (although the objectives regarding the important Toklat study group have changed due to 2005 trapping and shooting losses, as discussed on pp. 3-9 of Denali wolf research, May 2006-April 2007.pdf).    
If you feel that what I am doing is worthwhile, please contribute to FoA at, www.friendsofanimals.org.  You can earmark your contribution for this research, but FoA also does much else for Alaska’s wolves, including via legal action against the state’s wolf-killing programs. Your contribution will be used effectively.    
How To Support This Work
The 12 wolves of the Lower Savage II family in January 2003, studying a band of caribou several miles in the distance.  Wolves are highly intelligent cooperative hunters.  They often seem to develop pursuit strategies well in advance of approaching potential prey.     © G. Haber and Wildlife Science Inc. 2007-09